7 Ingredients, 3 Steps, Perfect Hair.


Do we give our beauticians enough credit? The way I feel after going to the stylist and being scrubbed like a potato is UNMATCHED.

When I walk in the salon, and my hairdresser greets me from across the room, I feel seen. And when she sits me in her chair and starts to take apart whatever updo I've been rocking for the week, I feel relaxed. Once I finally make it to the bowl and I'm washed and rinsed, being led to the dryer feels like a walk down the aisle. Blissful.

I cherish my hair appointments and you should too. I fit them in my schedule and make time to enjoy. But do I always enjoy spending an arm and a leg? 

Well...do you?

Depending on how often you prioritize hair care it can run up quite the expensive bill. The products provide the experience and going to a low grade stylist can leave you with low end results. 

I always recommend going with a home remedy in between sessions just to make things go smoother. Proper hair care always seems so out of reach because of the media and the gurus pushing the most expensive products in our faces, which is why I went out of my way to find the best hair care tips at home. Stars like Cardi B use common household pantry items to achieve long luxurious hair. And you can too.

Your pantry has everything you'll need to get started. I've listed a simplified version for you all here. All you need to achieve the hair of your dreams is a 
  • blender, 
  • freezer, 
  •  plastic bag from your grocery store, and that's it.
Ingredients listed below


  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1 juiced lemon
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of mayonnaise 
  • 1 cup Vaseline
  • 1/2 cup boiled rice water (recipe here)
  • 4 teaspoons honey


place ingredients into blender and transfer to a separate bowl.

freeze for 20 minutes or until fairly firm. Mixture should feel like a firm mousse.

apply to hair and cover with plastic bag. Tie and allow mixture to saturate the hair while the heat locks in the nutrients.

rinse after 45 minutes. Shampoo and condition as normal. Allow to air dry.

The question of how to get beautiful hair is never out of reach. With TikTok's latest trends showing us how to get wolf bangs or easy hair dying at home, add this to your regimen for perfect hair everytime.

Perfect hair at home is achievable with just a few ingredients. 

The lemon and the milk act as buttermilk which is great for the hair. It contains lactic acid which is a mild alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that helps exfoliate the scalp, remove dead skin cells and promote a healthier environment for the hair follicles. Additionally, the proteins in the buttermilk can provide nourishment to the hair strands, potentially enhancing their strength and vitality.

The lemon on its own acts as an astringent that isn't harmful to the hair.

The Vaseline will lock in the moisture and keep the hair as such even after shampooing as shampoo tends to dry out the hair.

The honey will boost the shine along with its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal benefits.

This mask is amazing to use once a month or twice if you have noticeably dry scalp or issues holding moisture in your strands.

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Laurinmccrimmon – Medium

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