Who Said Repeat?
I mean really. I dont know about you but as a young woman growing up I was always given the normal directions and then a stern "repeat" would follow.
"Laurin, only use about this much (mimicking a quarter shape) and after you rinse, wash it again like mommy does." I mean sure great advice for an up and coming tween whose main goal in school is to get noticed. I thought "hmm. people must really like, be drawn to cleanliness." And so an OCD riddled, perfection chasing, neat freak was born.
I started to notice once I made my way around the world was that apparently most of us young women were taught to repeat at some time in our lives. I had a very close friend move next door to me originally from Mississippi. Around Thanksgiving one year while my mother was working I had the privilege of my first ever holiday away from home. During preparation for the next day I overheard the instructions for cleaning the collard greens correctly. My dear friend was instructed to thoroughly remove the dirt and gravel with a vinegar wash and then...you guessed it.. REPEAT
My ears instantly caught on fire as if the instruction were for me.
Even in high school I would notice the attention from a certain skirt or a pair of jeans. And then BOOM! I now need every wash and cut available and I may even wear these twice in one week. Thrice depending on where I'll be that week. Am I alone in this ladies?
Now even in my adult years that are riddled with business meetings and quick chats in Wal-Mart, I still haven't been able to break free of the "Repeat Regimen". I watch the cashier give her strongest greeting, followed by quickly scanning the items, ending with a salutation and sending the customer on their way bagged and happy before repeating the process with me. I quickly glance at an email from my client who wanted to share how GREAT the quarter went. They would love for me to REPEAT the same process next quarter to ensure those profit margins stay high. I happily oblige, repeating the same smile and nod I've done 12 times that day.
I say this to say, whomever started the "rinse and repeat" shuffle that we've all become so accustomed too may have really been on to something. Regardless of who taught it to you first, someone taught it to them, and so on and so fourth. It's about how you adapt to what you have to repeat. Because lets face it, life is one big Repeat. So why not skip to your favorite parts? Like that midnight scoop of ice cream, or that episode of Schitt's Creek we've all been watching for 10 years straight. I personally eat the same dinner 8 nights in a row if it makes me happy in that moment. And on day 9 I won't eat it anymore. Why? Because who said repeat?
Follow me on Instagram @totmomcooks