5 Tips to Prepare for Anything
You're not unlucky, you're unprepared. Luck is defined as success
or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's
own actions. Alternatively speaking it is chance considered as a
force that causes good or bad things to happen. By any other
definition of the word, luck is where preparation and opportunity
make acquaintances.
But how true is that? I mean, not to question our almighty internet,
but could it be possible luck is what you make it. Think about it for
an instance.
What do you define as luck?
When you think of luck do you imagine all your unanswered
prayers sent off into the universe circling back to you in the form of
an earth angel? Or maybe you define luck as the off chance that you
happen to be in the right place at the right time. Are you like me
and believe that luck is evenly distributed where it is most needed,
and no system of numbers or logistics can crack it? Well. It is surely
a topic that has been up for discussion as long as it has a witness to
bear it.
I use to sit amongst friends and family, probably just like you,
watching television and thinking to myself "wow they sure are
lucky". Probably with some of the most mundane topics being
covered like a receiving a new home or getting picked to win a
cooking championship, yet we still compare ourselves greatly,
thinking we are just never in the right place at the right time,
or will it ever be me? How many of us have been there?
I know I have.
That's when I decided to cast off believing in luck and start
looking at what really contributed to success. Although, watching
those daytime TV shows taught me something. At some point or
another these people prepared for this very moment. They studied,
and invested, and repeated processes, and most importantly kept
hope alive all while imagining when their dream would become
reality. I wanted to know what that truly looked like for women like
me. I have dedicated sharing my teachings and experiences with
women closest to me and in our community to remaining grounded
no matter what room they're in.
Forget being lucky. We need to be prepared. Defining our successes
is what makes us lucky and that's why I've created my 5 tips to
prepare for anything. These are tips I use everyday to remind me that
when destiny comes knocking the last thing I need is to feel self-
conscious or unprepared. Read my 5 tips to prepare for anything and
start using them today to turn your dreams into reality.
1. Adapt a morning routine and stick to it. Cliche to say the least but
this is one, if not the biggest tip I would
give to any woman waiting on her moment.
You can't be open to receiving when you
aren't looking or feeling your best and
success requires maintenance. This means turning in early when necessary and waking up
early enough to be presentable. According to every successful person who was "lucky"
enough to have it fall in their lap they will tell you everything changed the moment they woke
up earlier and put effort into self. Don't let a day at home stop you from dressing for the day
and actually feeling good about it, especially for my SAHM community as well. Being
housebound is no reason to give up on your dreams or you. And I'll tell you one bonus
suggestion from me to you is try to incorporate a calming serum or vitamin into the mix for
that extra boost of confidence. Personally, Artistry Studio has the greatest calming face
serum on the market. The Zen Days Ahead Facial Oil is a lightweight formula with 300 mg
of hemp extract oil, proven to rejuvenate skin leaving you with a beautiful glossy finish.
"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”.
George Bernard Shaw
3. Stop fearing rejection and embrace the unknown. You have to understand
now sooner than later that rejection comes in many forms. It is not always loud and hurtful. It
can be subtle and easily looked over if you don't recognize and attack it. That thing you
want most isn't going to come to form exactly as you planned but the time it comes is
always exactly as your timeline permits, and understanding that you may be rejected at that
time means preparing your psyche to bounce back from it and keep trying. I can't share the
amount of times something as simple as an elevator pitch almost tried to take me down a
path of self destruction. The feeling of knowing I had planned for this very moment,
practicing exactly what to say, only to be met with looks of confusion and dismissiveness.
My point is that was subtle rejection. It's a little universal nudge saying hey, maybe that
wasn't as strong as it could be, but, that also wasn't the right opportunity. Take these
moments and alchemize them, knowing they will come again, and prepare for the unknown
by ignoring the fear of rejection.
4. Always plan your week. Advice given to me by time management guru Demir
Bentley they are 4 of the most helpful and detrimental words to your success. Always
plan your week! It's not very much to it. Don't attempt to overexert yourself. Even if you
have an already packed schedule, even if you spend all day doing the same mundane tasks,
find that room to improve. There are 168 hours in every week, 112 of which must be
devoted to sleeping and working. That leaves exactly one-third of your week or 56 hours
that you freely have to prepare yourself for the next level in life. This critical step is one I
continuously find myself repeating to women in this community, and that is to plan your
time wisely. Preparation doesn't come from exhaustion; it comes from direction. The idea
that you have to get in the gym or mountain climb when your aren't working in order to be
successful is a horrible ideology. I say spend your 56 hours doing something that is going
to matter in 5 years. Trees don't grow overnight, they require patience, planning, and
seeding. Every tree ever planted was planted with intent to keep it on a set schedule. The
planter knew it didn't look like much now, but the vision is what kept his attention and his
loyalty. We have to water ourselves and tend to ourselves daily. This is truly the way to
prepare for anything.